Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Crows quickly left as if a motorcycle gang had showed up at the neighborhood bar.

Yesterday in the ten acre woods, the birds at the feeder started freaking out. I looked out thinking that our cat was playing hide and pounce with the birds. Luckily, I didn't have to run out and chase the cat away on a cold winter day.  

It was a Red Shoulder Hawk low in the trees eyeing the activity around the feeder. I was lucky to get a nice photo of him while he was on a low branch. It was interesting while watching the birds at the feeder when the hawk was near. The small birds, Titmouse and Chick-a-dees, were not troubled by the hawk, however the Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Crows quickly left as if a motorcycle gang had showed up at the neighborhood bar. 
Life is short, discover whats in your woods, river, lake, or bay! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking little guy, but seems a bit wet around the edges.
