Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fishing Glasses

Okay, I've been at it again with a few more fishing cartoons. This time I focused on the fish with human qualities. I named them Polarized fishing glasses, fish that pee, and fish beds. Enjoy!

Polarized fishing glasses

Fish Pee

Fish Beds

Hey, if you want the perfect gift for the lake lover, lake house owner or fisherman, then check-out my lake maps at The maps can be customized and personalized with pictures etc... and I even hide a mermaid and a few fish in the lake!

Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Pet Walking Area?

Here's an interesting sign combination. When fishing in Florida, you often come across signs like this one below, but I have never seen one with a "Pet Walking Area" sign attached. What is the message here?
Anyway, I will say that you must be careful when fishing in Florida because that may not be a log that you are fishing near.

Check-out my vintage style Lake, River, and Bay maps! Makes a great gift!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monster Catfish

Check-out this giant flathead catfish that was caught on Chickamauga lake. It weighted in at 83 lbs, only 2 lbs under the state record. Interestingly, the massive catfish was released and hopefully it will be caught in the future as the state record.  
Hey, check-out these beautiful decor maps of your favorite fishing lake or river. You will always remember that record fish, including the location, picture, and description with this vintage style map. Makes a great gift for the fisherman, for more information click here, 
Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream, or at least put one on your wall!

Monday, April 21, 2014

A chipmunk and a wasp!

About two years ago, I was lucky enough to see a Chipmunk from our front window. I always have my Nikon D80 camera handy for photographing wildlife because we live on ten acres in the woods where many animals come near. I grabbed the camera and quietly headed out of the front door in hopes of getting a few photos of Mr. Chipmunk doing Chipmunk stuff. Little did I know that I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to experience an unusual event and likely one that only a very few have photographed. To begin with, here is Mr. Chipmunk thinking he is sneaking across the walk to enter our planter where there’s moist mulch and flowers and seeds, but I was there with my camera.
Lucky for me, Mr. Chipmunk was oblivious to my presence and I was able to photograph his every move. He seemed to be on a mission and I wasn't clear on what he was up to.
Anyway, I noticed that Mr. Chipmunk kept looking up the brick wall and I wasn’t quite sure why, but I did noticed a wasp nest in the corner above the garden hose. It was about 8 ft above the ground and it appeared that was the target of the chipmunks attention as you can see below.
If you look closely, on the right of the nest, you can see a wasp guarding the nest.
Believe it or not this little Chipmunk may have saved me from a trip to the hospital. You see, I am allergic to bee stings. Actually I’m 1 in 1000; that’s how many people are allergic to bee stings. If I’m stung, 2 Benadryl pills and a trip to the hospital parking lot to sit. I wait until the symptoms disappear; if not, a trip inside for an adrenalin shot. Almost always, Benadryl does the trick for me. If anyone around you gets stung, watch them for any sign of hives, swelling and difficulty breathing. Get immediate medical attention if you suspect someone is having a reaction.  You can become allergic at any time. I wasn't allergic until I was in my early twenties, just be aware. Now back to my story.
In a flash, Mr. Chipmunk quickly climbed straight up the brick wall and to the nest. The Chipmunk plowed right into the nest, head first and the wasp didn’t have time to react. In fact, so fast I wasn’t able to capture a picture until the Chipmunk started back down. As you can see, Mr. Chipmunk has a wasp in his mouth. It became a quick snack as he headed down and afterwards there was a lot of chatter which either suggests it was delicious or ouch that hurt. Click on the picture for a close up.
It was pretty amazing, I learned that Chipmunks are experienced wasp tracker and realized that I would have made a terrible Chipmunk because that would have killed me (bee sting). I did a little research on chipmunks after this happened and found that chipmunks love wasp and will attack the nest. I felt lucky to have seen this unique event in nature.  

Hey, want to hang something on the wall that's unique, see my art 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fishing Breakthrough!

Here's a few more fishing cartoons that I have finished. Enjoy!

This cartoon may be my favorite of the bunch. Looks like the guy has found a major fishing breakthrough, however I'm not sure that I would ever dress like bait. Also, this could be called Zen fishing.

I just can't come up with a way that Bob would have ever managed to get his fishing line down his pants. You know, I bet some fisherman has done this  before, because there are some crazy people out there.

After Harold somehow hooked his butt, it's clear that poor Marge is going to have a tough few weeks ahead. Don't you think?

Don't Forget to be one with your bait. Ommmm!

Check out my decor maps, try to find the hidden fish and mermaid!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Venice Rookery!

I few weeks ago while in Florida, I traveled over to the Venice Rookery in Venice Florida to take a few pictures of the waterfowl. The rookery is locate in the middle of a small lake and both Great Blue Herons and Egrets nest there. I got up at 5:30 am in the morning so that the lighting would be at its best for photos. Here's what I discovered.
An early morning Great Blue Heron returning from the ocean filled with fish and ready to feed its young one.

Hmmm... eat your regurgitated fish!

An Egret coming in for a landing
Two chicks waiting to be fed as a great blue fly's over.

This is a sand hill crane wandering near the rookery and looking for hoppers.

An Osprey.

Remember: Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hook-less fishing, catch more and larger fish!

Have you ever reached way back to the edge of the fridge, searching under the frozen peas and corn to pullout that package of frozen trout. You didn't know it, but you just Hillbilly Hand-fished, sort of.

Now, visualize yourself wading waist deep in a river, reaching your hand below the water, into holes and under rocks feeling for fish. This is the exciting, hillbilly hand fishing. This recreational activity is taking the country by storm. I bet you didn't know that you can actually hire a hillbilly hand-fishin guide? Yep, he or she can show you the best location, appropriate technique and dress. Yes, Hillbilly Hand-fishing has technique just like trout fishing, but please, only use a guide certified by the Hillbilly Hand-fishing institute. Think how fun it will be going into Orvis, Cabel's or Bass Pro and shopping for the latest hillbilly handfishin outerwear, overhauls.

Believe it or not, hillbilly handfishin is the only "natural way" to catch fish because there's no bait used, so no animals/worms are harmed, ”The all Natural Caught Fish!” In fact, "Hillbilly Handfishin caught fish", may be coming to a health food store near you. Imagine a trip to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's to pick-up some "All Natural Caught Fish" for that important dinner party. Think how impressed your friends will be. They'll likely say that it's the best tasting fish that they have ever eaten.

Here's a few the new bumper stickers: 

Hooks are for cheaters! Hillbilly Hand-Fishing.

Hillbilly hand fish, your worm will love you!


Don't buy no hooked fish! Hillbilly Hand-Fish

Fish naturally, go hook-less, Hillbilly Hand-Fishing

Hand over hook! Hillbilly Hand-Fishing.

Don't just fish, Hillbilly Hand-Fish.

Save a minnow! Hillbilly Hand-Fish.

Oh yeah, for the real adventurer there's "saltwater hillbilly hand-fishing" and to get your blood really pumping, try "shark hillbilly hand fishing " Guaranteed to be fun and you may be able to do it hand-less after a few times! Unfortunately, Hillbilly Hand Fishing is frowned upon by some folks. In fact, it's become so popular, signs are going up everywhere to ban this sport.  

Hillbilly Hand-Fish, THE ONLY NATURAL CAUGHT FISH!!! Be lookin for 'em in a store near you! I hope you enjoyed this post. If you are in need of a beautiful vintage style lake, river or bay decor map, check-out my website They make a great Gift!!!!! 
Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream, or at least put one on your wall!