Forensic evidence suggests that Mr. Bunny died from bite marks around the neck area. Also, the time of death cannot be certain, but rigamortis had set in and Mr. Bunny was likely killed sometimes on the evening of the 15th.
While police were canvassing the area, another body was discovered only 25ft up the drive from Mr. Bunny. This body was that of a field rat that also lived in the meadow. It appears this victim was murdered in the same fashion as Mr. Bunny however, evidence indicates Mr. Rat was killed on the morning of the 16th.
Police indicated that there are four known predators of interest. All four are being interviewed.
Mr. Storm
Mr. Stormy is a grumpy 4 year old cat. Police commented that it was difficult to get anything out of Stormy. After interviewing Mr. Stormy, Police have concluded that Mr. Stormy is a house cat and has never been outside. Stormy commented "I did not do it, there is no way. I’m a full time house kitty!"
Mr. Gray
Mr. Gray was very cooperative and seemed to like the attention even suggesting a suspect. Mr. Gray commented that he bet that it was that mean cat Spot Nose that lives outside. Police have also concluded that Mr. Gray is a full time house kiddy and had no means of leaving the house at the time of the murders.
Mr. Creamy
Mr. Creamy is an indoor/outdoor cat. He is a loner and kind of crazy. Police have determined that Mr. Creamy had the means and the motive to murder the field animals. In fact, Mr. Creamy was outdoors and no one had seen Mr. Creamy during the time of the murders. Creamy is a cat of interest.
Mr. Spot Nose
Mr. Spot Nose is the bully of the neighborhood. He beats up every cat that’s near and has even been seen chasing wild turkeys. Police can’t even find Spot Nose to interview. Spot Nose is a cat of interest.
Police have completed a profile of the murderer that suggests the murderer is a predator, likes for his victims to be found, kills in the early morning or late evening, is a pathological murderer who preys on small helpless field animals. A policeman was quoted as saying “we have a serial killer in our neighborhood” stay in your hole. Stay tuned for more information on this riveting story…………….

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