Friday, September 12, 2014

Lucky Lure

On the header of this blog, I feature a Great Blue Heron. Below is the painting that the Heron came from, which I was painted back in 2007.  I've always enjoyed watching the Great Blue Heron and it is one of my favorite birds. As you can see, there's more to this painting than what's shown on top.
What's the story behind the painting? First, I called the painting "Blue Monday Heron" to reflect the mood in the painting. Can you feel the mood... windy, storms on the way, and a fisherman lost his lucky lure? The old Heron is hunkered down and doesn't look none too happy with his feathers being blown around.  

The lure was lost by some fisherman who was casting for that trophy. Actually, that lure was my lucky lure as a  child. I dug it out of an old tackle box and used it as a prop for this painting. The painting was painted 7 years ago and the original has been sold, but it is still one of my favorite painting.  

Here's a picture of the lure, it certainly has seen better days. I don't fish with it anymore, but I might get another painting out of it. I have a 20"x24" canvas print of this painting hanging in my studio. It interesting how a favorite painting seems to warm a room with fond memories.

If you like my painting, then you may want to visit my website. I have over two hundred lake, river and bay maps on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalized lake, river or bay maps, too. If you would like to see more and read about my treasured maps go to

As you can see, my maps make a great gift. To see more of my work click here

Remember: Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream, or at least enjoy one on your wall.

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