About two weeks ago Buttermilk, my fishing buddy and I went fishing on Marrowbone Lake. Marrowbone Lake is a small lake near Nashville that we fish a few times a year. This lake was stocked with rainbow at the end of last year.

The past fishing reports suggested that we might catch a few trout or bass. In fact, a couple of days early a 1.5lb rainbow was caught along with a 4.5 lb bass. It was reported that trout were biting on "Pink Power Bait". We loaded up our kayaks with plenty of power bait and off we went for an adventure
After about two hours of fishing, no bites, not even a mosquito. However, being on the water still made it a fine day. When the fish aren't biting, I normally try to catch a few animals, fish, waterfowl etc... with my Nikon. Unfortunately, I left it at home and had to rely on my cellphone camera, which has no zoom capability.
The animals, fish and waterfowl must have been on strike because only a very few were out. With this being the case, I took pictures of Buttermilk. Unsually, I will get a photo of Buttermilk falling out of his kayak, but not this time. Checkout that fine looking paddle!
A final picture of a nice day where the fish weren't biting, but that's OK.
"Get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!"
That's the favorite phrase for one of the local tackle shops. They are catching limits of 14 inch trout on pink Power Bait. When you get there, there is no one there and you get nothing on pink Power Bait. Stick with plain old biodegradable rainbow Power Bait and work the bait scents. You do read my blog, don't you? LOL